Business in Malaysia

Domestic Direct Investment (DDI)

Driving Economic Growth Through Collaboration

We are dedicated to supporting Domestic Direct Investment (DDI) initiatives and driving sustainable economic growth.

We bring together a range of resources and services to assist businesses in accessing government grants, attracting investors, and securing loans. By leveraging the power of government support, private investment, and financial partnerships, we empower businesses to thrive in their respective industries and contribute to the prosperity of the nation.

Key highlights

Government Grants

Accelerating Business Success
We assist businesses in navigating the complex landscape of grant applications, ensuring eligibility criteria are met and proposals are optimized for success. Our expert team guides businesses through the entire process, from grant identification to proposal development, maximizing the chances of securing crucial funding for innovation, research and development, infrastructure improvement, workforce training, and much more.


Partnering for Growth and Success
With our robust investor matching system, businesses gain access to a diverse pool of potential investors, ranging from venture capitalists and private equity firms to angel investors and strategic partners. Our experienced team provides guidance on investor pitch preparations, due diligence processes, and negotiations, ensuring businesses can showcase their potential and secure the funding necessary for expansion, market penetration, and sustainable growth.

Loans and Financial Partnerships

Enabling Business Expansion
Through our extensive network of financial institutions and lenders, we help businesses identify suitable loan options tailored to their specific needs. Our expert team guides businesses in preparing loan proposals, financial projections, and collateral assessments. We work closely with businesses to enhance their financial viability, increasing the chances of securing loans for working capital, asset acquisition, project financing, and other strategic initiatives.

At Start Now, we committed to making a positive impact on the economy by empowering businesses in Malaysia.

DDI, or Domestic Direct Investment, is a vital driver of economic growth and development, and it can be fueled by a combination of government grants, investors, and loans. By leveraging the power of government support, private investment, and financial partnerships, we empower businesses to thrive in their respective industries and contribute to the prosperity of the nation.

Together, let us forge a path to success, foster innovation, create jobs, and drive sustainable economic growth.

Connect with our dedicated team, and embark on an exciting journey of DDI that will shape a prosperous future for your business and the nation.

We are

A member of MATRADE

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